Saturday, September 11, 2010


Just for all of you that are concerned with the boat sinking, it will not! The Sorlandet is built like a tank and is the oldest fully-rigged ship in the world (it was built in 1927) so I think that it can handle me! I've been having a great time so far. Everyone on board is really friendly and nice. It's been really busy though! It will take a bit of getting used too.

On Wednesday we did a ton of icebreaker activities. It was really fun and a great way to get to know everyone. On Thursday and Friday we did our sail training. That was exciting! I got to climb aloft! It was a little scary at first because you're only clipped in when you're actually standing on the yards to unfurl sails, the rest of the time you're really high up with nothing to hold you in place. When I finally relaxed though it was great! You get amazing views from so high up. We also did a scavenger hunt in our watch groups all around town last night which was great. There's as boy who started the 100 push up club. Obviously I joined. Every night anyone who wants to meets on deck and together we do 100 push ups. They're not in a row though. You do 1, then 2, then 3 etc until you got to 10, then go back down. I'm quite sore today :) There's going to be other clubs starting up too. I've been talking with a girl from New Zealand and we want to start a baking club/birthday cake club. Someone else is going to do a knitting club. And we celebrate Halloween, Christmas and really any other holiday and sometimes make up our own events just for fun! I talked with a girl from Amsterdam and we're going to get people to celebrate St. Nicolas day (Dutch Christmas).

I should probably talk a bit about how everything works. We're divided  into 6 watch groups. I'm in watch group 2. You do a lot of activities with your watch group. It's also the people that you're awake with in the middle of the night for night watch. We start night watch tomorrow. Each shift is 2 hours long. My group has the 10:00 - 12:00 watch which is lucky, it's one of the better ones. Sure beats the 2:00 - 4:00 watch! Night watch starts at 8:00pm and goes till 8:00am. We have night watch everyday unless we're on galley watch that day. Galley watch is when we help out in the kitchen. We also have to put in 2 hours of day watch (unless you're on galleys). That fits in somewhere in your class schedule. We have 3 hours of class a day. We also have PE every other day at 7:00 in the morning. We then have a cleaning duty from 8:00-9:00. So there's a lot of work that needs to get done on a ship this big! It's not too hard though and there's still quite a bit of free time.

The boat has 3 showers and 3 toilets for 38 girls! It's crazy! We're also only aloud to push the button for water in the showers 3 times everyday (or 6 times every 2 days) because of limited storage space. But because of the free time people end up taking showers whenever there's a break so it's worked out so far. We also are going to have to remove bedding and take down our bunks everyday because the bunks become benches and all the bunk areas will be class rooms and common space. It's a bit of a pain.

That's enough complaining though! The boat is beautiful and Norway is amazing, though a bit cold. I'm having so much fun and have already gotten to know tons of people. I can tell that I have a great year ahead. I leave for France tomorrow and the sail is about 6 days. So I won't have internet for about a week. So until then bye! And hope that I don't get too sea sick!

Packing the Class Afloat sausage
The Sorlandet!
Me and dad and my pirate ship (and if you notice the yards or big stick things coming off the mast, I climbed out onto the lowest one)
Finally unpacking the battering ram!
My bunk! (with tie dyed sheets)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Class Afloat sausage? or should we say the battering ram doesn't look quite as beastfully packed as when you left Saskatoon.

  3. Aaww, Sarah - this is so exciting!
    It's cold there? I suppose I should pack warmer clothes then, hm?
    How do you guys do PE?

  4. Sarah you look like you're having such a great time!! The boat looks amazing.. and I'm excited to hear more about your travels.

    Thinking of you!

    - Rebecca

  5. I love the pictures; it gives me a much better idea of how it all looks! It sounds like a whole new world of adventure. I have to confess I am jealous--but may feel less so when I hear about the seas and potential sea sickness! Let us know...

  6. Sorlandet left Kristiansand Sept 12 sailing into a beautiful sunset. Unfortunately, they have since encountered some strong westerlies and thus are travelling much slower than expected... and yes, many are struggling to gain their sea legs. Their next stop is St Malo - but looks like they will be late arriving. It's been a really rough start to this exciting journey :-(

    For those wanting know where Solandet is, go to class afloat website and you'll see the link to its location - which is tracked continually.

  7. sending "mail" to Sarah - someone wanted to know if and how we can mail stuff to sarah. There are 4 locations between now and Christmas where we can send letter mail and packages no larger than a 9x12 padded envelope. Let me know if you want the addresses - or if you want to drop off something for us to forward for you? you know how to get hold of me :-)

  8. Hey Sarah,

    Oh my goodness girl, you are going to have the time of your life. :) I am so happy for you.
    I was on Skype today with a ton of the Vimy Family. It was so good to see all of their faces again. I must admit though that seeing these awesome pics of you is really making me miss you soo much!
    I went sailing with my Dad the other day, and it was funny reading your post about climbing up on the yards, because I was climbing up onto the spreaders (they're like yards, but waay smaller) on our boat. Reading your post, I was thinking how much higher up you would have been than I was. :) But it's cool to think that both of us are sailor girls now.

    It was really hard in a way, talking to everybody today. Hearing their voices gave me a homesick sorta feeling... 'cause you know how emotional I can be. It also made me really want to talk to you!

    Anyway, I hope you are still having fun, and that you now have your sea-legs. I'll be checking out your next post for sure.

    Arielle <3
