Sunday, October 3, 2010


I’m leaving Porto tomorrow. We had to leave a day late again because the water was too rough. I’ve had a great time in Portugal. The people here are really friendly and eager to help tourists, even if they don’t speak English. The language barrier has been a bit tough, especially when ordering at restaurants. They’d give you an English menu but they don’t understand what the English translation of the food is! It takes a long time but it’s kind of funny and it’s a really good experience.
We got into Porto on Wednesday and we had a nice afternoon exploring. We took a half hour metro ride into old Porto. When I was leaving an internet cafe in old Porto, I decided to ask a man that was there where he would recommend for a good supper in the area. He was extremely helpful and told us to go to Le Chien Qui Fume (in English it’s The Smoking Dog). We got directions and managed to find it. It was in a back alley and it was kind of a hole in the wall. But it was really nice inside. There were Portuguese tiles covering the walls. The food was traditional and amazing! It was also really cheap. The restaurant was extremely popular with the locals and most of the few tables were reserved however the Portuguese don’t eat till around 8-9 o’clock so they snuck us in. The supper was a great experience and definitely a highlight of my time in Porto.
On Thursday we had a port program. We took a bus into Guimaraes, a medieval town. There’s a castle with dungeons and a really beautiful church. The dungeons were closed though:P I was a bit disappointed. At lunch when we were eating lunch in a cafe, we heard a group of people chanting really loud. Then a group of people, some dressed in suits and black robes and others in white jumpsuits, emerged. There had to have been over a hundred of them. They sang some songs and did some other crazy things, and then they sat down for lunch. We decided to ask what was going on. They told us that everyone in the robes was the third year university students and the ones in the jail suits were the first years. The first years had to do everything that the third years told them to do. It was pretty funny :)
Friday was another port program. We took a two hour bus ride to the only national park in Portugal. We then went on some hikes. The first one took us to a medieval village that had been washed away when the hydro dam was built. We walked through the foundations and the walls that remained. It was quite cool actually. We then hiked into a lake and went swimming! That was probably one of my favourite days. It was so nice to get some exercise and spend time in nature.
Yesterday, we had a full day of shore leave and the teachers let us sleep in as late as we wanted! I got an early start though because I wanted a full day in Porto and I had to be back for six for galley. I had the best day ever! We walked A TON and explored. We climbed the Torre dos Clerigos, the tallest tower in Portugal. From the top you could see the entire city. We saw some amazing churches and went to a farmers market to buy fruit. I also ate a lot of pastries. They’re so good and so cheap here! We walked along the river. It’s absolutely beautiful there. It helped that that it was a perfect, sunny day. While we were out, we walked past the university. When we were passing it we noticed that there was a group of guys with guitars, mandolins, drums and a ukulele. They asked if they could perform for us! It was great:) One of them danced with this girl Bryn who I was with. It made my day.
Right now I’m sitting in McDonalds. I know, I’m disappointed in myself too. It is however the best and closest WiFi. We had classes this morning but shore leave in the afternoon so I’m happy to be out. I hope that we can leave tomorrow but the storm is so bad and the wind would be completely against us that I’m not sure if we’ll be able to leave. I hope so. I’ve had fun in Portugal but I can’t wait to be sailing again. Guess I’m really turning into a sailor!
taken from a square in Guimaraes (also the photo quality is probably worse cause I finally figured out how to compress pictures)
A church in Guimaraes
The famous church from Guimaraes
The destroyed village that we saw during the hike
The remains of the village again
View from the top of Torre dos Clerigos
Torre dos Clerigos
Me in front of the river
Some houses in Porto. You can see the famous blue and white Portuguese tiles.


  1. Sure sounds like another great visit Sarah! Did you learn any Portuguese words? Soon time to learn some basic Spanish - si? Wonderful that you're turning into an eager sailor! Can't wait to hear about sailing past the Rock of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean.
    Love Dad

  2. Hey Sarah :),

    First of all, OH MY GOSH, the pictures from your EPICNESS post are EPIC. Possibly even more epic the the "cow at sunset" picture. ;)
    You must be having such an amazing time; I hope you are journalling, girl, cause this is something that you should never ever forget. :)
    Sounds like you made a really sweet discovery with that restaurant. The places the locals go are always the best. Reading about that and the pasteries has made me really really hungry, so I think I may have to go get a snack...
    Also, I definitely laughed out loud when I read about your "Nova Scotia curriculum" in one of your previous posts. :)
    I'm super pumped that you started an enviro club; you are a green girl after my own heart. <3 And I bet the diving is going to be EPIC. I have only ever snorkeled, no seroius dives, but if you can buy a disposable underwater camera somewhere in your travels, I would HIGHLY recommend it for the dive. Underwater pics are really neat and fun. :)
    There's nothing nearly as exciting happening back here in Nova Scotia, but here's a bit of news anyways. My school just announced our musical for this year, and you'd never guess what it is! Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I was positive I was going to be doomed to be an Oompa Loompa until I realized that we don't actually have any boys in our school who can sing high enough to be Charlie, so I'm going to audition for that part. If I get it, I'm going to cut off all my hair- wouldn't that be exciting?! I think I might do it even if I don't get the part, and then donate to Angel Hair for Kids.
    Hmmm what else... Oh! I am now a complete Indy Music lover, thanks to you. :) I'm going to sing You and I with my boyfriend at our school coffeehouse and we'll play our ukuleles. :D
    Well, that's pretty much it for me. I hope you are still having fun, not getting seasick, and becoming a kick-ass sailor.

    Love you girl! <3


  3. Arielle, we listened to your CD and you are one very talented girl! Hope to catch one of your performances one day :-)

  4. Aww thank you. :) That is so nice! If you're ever in Nova Scotia, you'll have to let me know.
    I would like to send Sarah a little Christmas package, nothing large. Could I somehow get an address to do that? (This kinda spoils the surprise for Sarah, but she will not know what's in it!)
    Thank you :)

  5. sarah i just wanted to remind you that we all miss you and that you should keep the blog updates coming because I love reading them.

  6. Hi Arielle - I'm meeting up with Sarah in Italy (I'm very excited) - I'm leaving Oct 16th. You likely won't be able to get it to me before that? We can mail packages/letters to her at 3 locations between now and Christmas. E-mail sarah on her gmail address and I'll check her email for your message - we can chat more. She would be thrilled to get something from you, as she'll be spending Christmas without her family for the FIRST time :-(

  7. Hi Sarah!
    Such an adventure! I'm glad you enjoyed Porto; I remember really liking it when it was there a few years ago--1974 to be exact!! My friend and I met up with these two university students and they showed us around the town....good memories! Eating locally is always the best (as compared to McDonalds!!) but we can't always find a good local spot; it sounds as if you lucked into a great one! I hope you are having smooth sailing and am looking forward to the next post!
