Friday, October 22, 2010

Pictures from the sail to Barcelona

This is really late. Sorry.
A view of the ship taken while on the bowspread
Me on the bowspread
Sunset over Spain
A fishing boat as we're entering Barcelona
A crowd of people watching us come in. You can see the ship reflected in the glass and also some kids up on the yards.


  1. Fabulous pics, Sarah!!!
    As always, am so much enjoying following your voyage! So nice that your mom was able to visit you -- i'm sure you're having a great time!

    love, Tante Karen

  2. Wow!! Those are some awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing them with all of us. Enjoy the rest of your stay in Cagliari and have a great sail to Morocco! Into Africa! Here's Hoping you have calm seas and favorable winds.
    Lots of love
