Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Crossing the Atlantic again

Hello everyone!  Sarah had intended to post her stories of Dominican Republic when she got to Bermuda - but her back went out on her while she was there! She was in lots of pain and spent most of the time looking for a chiropractor (where was Kevin when she needed him!)! Hopefully, she'll find somewhere to connect when she arrives in Azores sometime around March 15th.  The ship left Bermudas on February 28th to cross the Atlantic ocean, once again.  They will stop in Azores (Portugal) to stock up before continuing on the second leg of their crossing.  They will be aiming for La Coruna, Spain from there onwards - arriving there around March 28th.  Here's wishing Solandet and its crew a smooth sail across the ocean :-)


  1. Hi Sarah,

    So I just started my March Break and I realized that I have gotten very behind on your blog. :( Everything has been a bit nuts with all of the schoolwork I had to do in the past couple of months. However, I just finished reading all about your lovely adventures and it made me so happy that I decided to share my thoughts- hope you don't mind! :)

    Crossing the Atlantic-
    I am so glad you had fun and didn't get seasick or run into any major storms during your crossing. Someday, I have promised myself I am going to sail across the Atlantic myself, and I hope when that day comes that my crossing will be as fun as yours was. It sounds like the activities you guys did were a blast- I bet that your crewmates dressed in drag was a sight you will never forget :P ...and also, I absolutely adore crepes, so I can imagine how awesome your crepe-making marathon must have been. :)

    Trinidad and Tobago-
    My parents have actually been to Tobago back before my brother and I were born, when they sailed charter ships. They were telling me about how amazing and tropical it was there while we were in rainy, cold Victoria, BC, for Christmas. I am definitely jealous that you went scuba diving. That is one thing that is definitely on my bucket list! However, I do go snorkelling a lot. There are some really nice spots here in St. Margaret's Bay to go, so we will have to go snorkelling this summer when you're here! :D
    Ok, a deserted island?! That is mega-cool. I had mental images of Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean the whole time I was reading that. :) I've always thought shipwrecks were a bit scary though. Were the ones you saw creepy?

  2. (Part 2)

    Now here's another place I'd love to go :) I'm taking Spanish in school this year, and we are learning all about Latin American countries. The mud baths looked SUPER fun. Was the mud warm or cold? I imagine it would've been more fun if it wasn't cold.
    It was really awesome that we got to Skype while you were on your break. Next time you're home we'll have to do it again. :)

    Yay, bottom bunk! That means you don't have to fold up all your stuff every morning, right?
    I liked reading about the Mayan ruins- it brought back lots of memories as I visited some Mayan ruins myself when I was pretty young. It's pretty cool to be able to climb on temples that were built by an ancient civilization, isn't it?
    And you went scuba diving again!?! So jealous. So so very jealous! :P
    It sucks about the lack of shower water though- I hope that's fixed by now. I hope you guys got lots of opportunity to swim during the two weeks when you couldn't shower.

    OMG I love Cuba. One of the few places you are going that I have actually been to. I love the music there, and I was happy to hear that you felt the same. It's too bad you couldn't go aboard the Swedish ship though- Cuban customs are really strict. :(
    It's a bummer about your wallet getting stolen. Good thing your parents were so quick and no damage was done. I hope you managed to get some cigars after all (not for you of course!) My dad still talks about how great his real Cuban cigars were- apparently they are quite something.
    A Parisian cabaret in Cuba? What are the chances? Ahaha... Must've been interesting.

    I'm really sorry to hear about your back! I hope you ended up finding a chiropractor and that you are feeling better now. I am really looking forward to seeing you in a few months and hearing all about the rest of your travels. I hope you are still having a ball.

    Arielle xox

  3. Hei Sarah,
    Here's thinking of you on the big, blue sea and hoping your back is soon feeling better!
