Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Atlantic Crossing

It's about time. I know.
So the dreaded Atlantic crossing is over and now that I’m back on land I have to say that it wasn’t dreaded at all. It was actually my favourite sail of the year and I preferred it to many of the ports. It only felt like we were at sea for about a week, not three. You get into a nice routine after a few days and the days just fly by. There were lots of little activities planned to make the sail more interesting. For example, on December 6th we had a twin day, where we were paired with someone on the ship and we had to dress the same and get to know as much as possible about the other person that day. On the 14th there was the Ms. Sorlandet beauty pageant. This was where guys dressed up in drag and pretended to be girls in a beauty pageant. It was hilarious yet slightly scarring. Definitely something that could only happen in the middle of the Atlantic. There was an introduction, a swimsuit portion, a talent portion and a question portion. The girls were the ones that coached the guys and did their makeup and hair. Some of the guys even shaved their legs and armpits for this. Most of the pro crew and the captain even showed up in order to take pictures and laugh their heads off. The pictures sadly cannot be posted on the internet due to the fact that the guys involved did not want any photo evidence. I don’t blame them. Some of them looked so much like girls that it was scary. All in all, though it was a bit of a frightening evening, it was a great way to add a bit of fun to our long sail.
Another event that went on was Crepes Afloat. It happened a few times on previous sails however I had never actually participated until now. What happened was a group of us went into the galley and cooked crepes. People could order the crepes and choose their toppings. I think that that was the most fun that I had all sail! Good friends, good music and making good food. We ended up staying in the galley until after midnight to finish cleaning but it was completely worth it. We made over 200 dollars selling crepes that night which is going to go towards the projects that we participated in in Senegal. There was also the Watchympics. The day of the Watchympics we got to sleep in on the morning and then the events started in the after. Watches competed against each other. There were events such as who could set the fore course the fastest, coming up with our own nautical alphabet and a knot tying relay. Your watch got a certain amount of points for where you placed in the event and in the end the watch with the most points won. My watch won the knot tying relay. We also got second overall which we were quite happy with :) 

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