Saturday, December 4, 2010

Crossing the Atlantic Ocean

Sorlandet left Praia, Cabo Verde early this morning, leaving Africa behind and heading for Trinidad and Tobago.  For those following this blog, I wanted to let you know that it's expected to take about 18 days to sail across, with arrival in Trinidad planned for December 22nd.  The crew will be spending Christmas in Tobago (lucky!). Sarah's looking forward to watching a movie projected onto a sail during this crossing! Here's wishing Sorlandet and its crew a smooth sail across! Nan :-)


  1. Hi Nan,

    I just sent off a Christmas package for Sarah yesterday, and I sent it as rush mail, so hopefully it will make it to Trinidad in time! I look forward to the return of Sarah's blog posts; I really love reading them. :)


  2. I really enjoy reading yours too! It puts a big smile on my face - so keep them coming Arielle! Sarah usually has very little time to connect to internet when at port (and it hasn't been easy finding somewhere with decent connection) - so she's not able to spend much time on facebook or emails. But you know she's thinking of you and missing you! She's back home Jan 15 to 25 - so plan for a long phone call or skype chat then! I'm so very proud of what you are doing for VIMY - congrats!! Hope you are singing tons and working on a new CD? You'll have to email me and tell me about the musical.
